There are only two things that can have a massive impact on your interior design career - this is to finish an interior design degree or be accredited by a renowned design institution. Once you get any of these, the world of interior design is practically yours.

But did you know that there are different career paths that you can consider?

The Interior Designer

This is, of course, the most obvious path for designers to take. Since you finished a course in interior design, then you might as well become a designer tasked to beautify the interiors of offices, homes, and other structures.

As an interior designer, you need to be very creative. You must also understand the fundamentals of design such as color theory. To be abreast with the changes in this fast-paced industry, you must also be willing to keep abreast with the emerging trends in the market.

An interior designer may work with homeowners or businessmen. Residential interior designers are usually involved in styling, making the layout, planning, and decorating the interiors of homes with furnishings, lighting and fabrics.

Commercial interior designers, on the other hand, work on the same details but they stage these in offices, hotels, restaurants, educational institutions and other commercial structures.

The Exhibition Designer

This kind of designer is the one that stages the layouts and points out which décor must be utilized in exhibition halls. This professional must be an expert in modular stand design, museum design, custom build designs, floor management and exhibition. Skills in CAD and 3D are quite useful.

When this designer works on projects, he must consider the foot traffic that is expected to attend the exhibition hall. He must also know where to place the items that will be showcased and he should coordinate regarding the exhibition theme.

The Furniture Designer

A designer who wants to focus in furniture design must prepare to learn a specialization. Furniture designers work with two types of people – the customers and the suppliers.

As he works with a client, he could be asked to arrange furniture in showrooms, homes, offices and other places. He must also know how to optimize any given space and bring out the customers’ desired themes.

Furniture designers also need to work with suppliers and carpenters. He needs to guide these people in incorporating the client’s taste into the finished product.

The Lighting Designer

A lighting designer is the expert in providing adequate lighting for different projects. He must have know-how in basic wiring and must constantly work with a licensed electrician in order to bring about the most creative lighting effects.

A lighting designer also takes part in schematic design and decorative lighting such as shades, light fittings and luminaries. He can give professional advice as a consultant or as a manufacturer. Since this is so, he must be knowledgeable in different lighting and the effects that each has.

The Kitchen Designer

Majority of homes that sell in the market are those that have the nicest kitchens. This is the ongoing trend in the field of real estate. So if you want to sell a house or if you simply want to have a beautiful kitchen to work in each day, then get in touch with a kitchen designer.

The kitchen designer works with kitchen aesthetics and function. This is an expert that works hand-in-hand with contractors in mapping the floor plan and in applying the floor work.

A kitchen designer knows how to balance functionality and aesthetics – he must never forego one just to focus on the other.

Choose This Day

It is advisable for designer-wannabes to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design; this is if they want to start right. Remember that success only comes when you are creative and are persistent to learn.